Timber Lake Buildout, New 68-Bed Dorm, and Renovation FBO Documents

Solicitation Recovery-DOL110RB20867

Solicitation Drawings and Specifications

IFB Drawings - Architectural (Sheets A0.1 - 1A6.2) (14MB)
IFB Drawings - Architectural (Sheets 1A6.4 - 2A9.5) (20MB) Note: Sheet 1A6.3 Not Used
IFB Drawings - Civil (3MB)
IFB Drawings - Structural (4MB)
IFB Drawings - Mechanical (Sheets 0M2.1 - 1P0.1) (7MB)
IFB Drawings - Mechanical (Sheets 1P0.2 - 2F2.2) (6MB)
IFB Drawings - Electrical (15MB)
IFB Drawings - Landscape (2MB)

IFB Specifications (14MB)

Amendment #2

Amendment #2 Specification Addendum (0.1MB)